Science Journal of Physics

July 2014, Volume 2014, ISSN:2276-6367

© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Processing and Characterization of Fiber/Plastic Composite for Turbine Blade

Author: Bilead Salim Ahmed Elkurtehi

Mechanical Engineering Department Engineering Faculty Diponegoro University Libyan embassy

Accepted 05 May 2014; Available Online 03 July 2014

doi: 10.7237/sjp/155


In order to know the influence of fraction volume of composite (E-glass/Carbon fiber with Polyester/Epoxy matrix) for choosing the best wind turbine blade material, some objectives of this research are: 1) It is to find the best composite from tensile test to the combination ratio between E-glass and carbon fibers with polyester and epoxy matrix; 2) It is to find the best composite from density test to the combination ratio between E-glass and carbon fibers with polyester and epoxy matrix; 3) It is to find the best composite from hardness test to the combination ratio between E-glass and carbon fibers with polyester and epoxy matrix; 4) It is to find the best composite from micrograph test to the combination ratio between Eglass and carbon fibers with polyester and epoxy matrix. Thus, the significance of this study is to find the best result, as for the material used to make the composite is from E-glass and carbon fibers and polyester and epoxy matrix; the comparison of fraction volume or ratio between fiber and matrix is 1: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3; 3) and the test items mold with the hand lay-up method. So, it is hoped that the best ratio of composite can be found as the material for wind turbine blade. This study uses an experimental research, in which the methodology of this research explains several steps of testing to analyze the best composite of the specimen tested. Based on data analysis and from the testing to composite fabrication of E-glass and Carbon fibers with Polyester and Epoxy matrixes, with the variation of a fraction the volume of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:3, it can be conclude that: 1) it is found that the highest tensile strength, strain and young's modulus composite is 23,22 N/mm, 7,389% and 315 N/mm in carbon with epoxy (1: 1); 2) the lowest density of composite is 1,04 gr/cm3 found in the carbon with epoxy (1: 1); 3) the highest hardness is 77,75 VHN on E-glass with polyester (2: 3) composite; 4) from the micrograph test it is found that the best composite is Carbon-Epoxy (1:1) with 4 lines.

Keyword:fraction volume, E-glass fiber, Carbon fiber, Polyester matrix, Epoxy matrix, tensile test, density test, hardness test, micrograph test.

