Science Journal of Psychology

January 2013, Volume 2013, ISSN:2276-6278

© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Analyzing Thinking Styles of Students Studying at Physical Education and Sports Academies of Public and Private Universities

Mehmet Öztürk

İstanbul University, School of Physical Education and Sport

Accepted 15 January, 2013; Available Online 30 January, 2013

doi: 10.7237/sjpsych/157


Thinking in general includes features obtained from observation, experience, intuition, reasoning and other channels; also, it is the manner of disciplining of application, analysis and evaluations, and mental process in order to understand the current situation (Ozden, 2003). Thinking style is described based on mental self-government and as the preferred way of using the individuals’ minds and knowledge, and the preferred way of thinking (Sternberg, 1997). The current study was done in order to determine the thinking styles of students studying at physical education and sports academies of public and private universities. Students from Istanbul State University and Halic Private University attended this study. Amongst the total of 296 volunteering students, 153 were female and 143 were male. In order to determine the thinking styles of the students, 96 item Thinking Styles scale developed by Sünbül (2004) was used. Using this five point Likert type scale the students’ thinking styles were found as legislative, executive, judicial, monarchic, hierarchic, oligarchic, anarchic, global, local, internal, external, liberal and conservative. As a result of the analysis made, it was found that all students with regard to school type, gender and academic departments, used “Legislative” thinking style the least which corresponds to the statement of “Rarely=2” and used “Anarchic” thinking style the most which corresponds to the statement of “Sometimes=3”. Also, it was seen that public university students, female students and training education students use “Anarchic” thinking style more when compared with the opposing groups.

Keyword:thinking styles, student of sport, student thinking style, private universities.

