Science Journal of Environmental Research, Volume 2014, April 2014
ISSN: 2276-7495

© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Variation of Phytoplankton at Kenyir Lake, Tembat River and Terengganu Mati River

Liana Abd Latif , Shahril Mod Husin and Ahmad Abas Kutty


doi: 10.7237/sjeer/177

Accepted 25th March, 2014; Available Online 23rd April, 2014


A survey of phytoplankton variation was undertaken at three different locations in Kenyir Lake, Tembat River and Terengganu Mati River on 28thJune 2013. Three replicate samples were taken at each sampling location for laboratory analyses. The aims of the study are to identify the species existed at the study area and to identify the species variation between lake and river. From the survey, it was found that Kenyir Lake recorded the highest abundance of phytoplankton with a total of six divisions. This is followed by Terengganu Mati River with a total of five divisons and Tembat River with only three divisions. Kenyir Lake and Terengganu Mati River recorded water quality Class I, meanwhile Tembat Lake recorded water quality Class II. Phytoplankton is much denser in lake (lentic) compared to river (lotic) and there is more abundance in good water quality condition.

Keywords:Phytoplankton, variation, river, lake, water quality

