Science Journal of Economics Volume 2013 (2013), July 2013

© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Poverty and Hunger Alleviation: A Kairos for Status and Processus Confessionis by the Church in Nigeria

Author: Dr. Olo Ndukwe

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Accepted 29 January 2013; Available Online 26 July 2013

DOI: 10.7237/sje/101


Given the pervasive influence of penury and its associate legacy of hunger and starvation in Africa, this paper holds that the kairos for the Church to declare status and processus confessionis for poverty alleviation has come. Status confessionis is described as a faith based confession, which arises from a realization that the Church's raison d'etre is under gravitational challenge to declare that a kairos for an embodied witness against a prevailing ungodly state of affairs has arrived. Processus confessionis is proposed as the Church's approach to prophetic witness against the evil. The paper presents and concludes with social welfare concern as an integral theological maxim for the Church's celebration of human dignity; social activism as a theological witness; Christian pedagogy as a theological political enterprise, and networking as a theological practice of orthopraxis. Continuing salient complicity with persons and structures which breed, enthrone or sustain poverty is summarily sinful and must come under the embodied prophetic critique of the Church.

Keyword:Poverty, Hunger, Human Dignity, Orthopraxis, Social Activism, Christian Pedagogy, Status Confessionis, Victims of Society, Theological Witness, Ideological, MDG.

