Science Journal of Agricultural Research and Management

April 2012, Volume 2012, ISSN: 2276-8572

© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Research Article


Cow Dung and Cassava Peel Effect on Selected Soil Nutrient Indices and Germination of Maize

Dr. Roseta C Eneje1*, C. J. Nwosu1

1*Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
1Department of Soil Science And Agro-climatology,Nigeria

Accepted 1 April 2012; Available Online 18 April, 2012.

doi: 10.7237/sjarm/152


The effect of organic manures from cowdung and cassava peel in single and combined application on selected soil nutrient indices and maize germination was assessed on a sandyclayloam soil in South Eastern Nigeria. The selected soil nutrient indices were electrical conductivity, (EC), soil activity (pH) N-mineralization (N-M), exchangeable cations (ECEC) percent base saturation (BS%), available phosphorus(avail P), and total organic carbon (OC). These and the germination percent of maize were assessed in the green house of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, the organic manure were applied at 0%, 1% 5% and 10% respectively on 3kg soil . The germination percent was assessed within 7days in the green house. The treatment were replicated three times and incubated for one week before samples were taken for laboratory analysis. Data obtained were subjected to ANOVA using a 4X3 factorial in a CRD; significant means was separated using FLSD0.05. Result indicated statistically significant effect of organic manure treatments on EC, ECEC, Ca and Na++ ions in the amended soil, while the other nutrient indices were not significantly affected. Spearman Rank Correlation between germination percentage of maize and the nutrient indices indicated that OC% and N-mineralization were low but correlated positively and significantly with germination percentage while available P was high but had an inverse relationship with germination percentage indicating that the improvements in percent OC and N-mineralization resulted in more maize seed germination within the period of assessment.

Keyword: FGermination percentage, N-mineralization, organic carbon, electrical conductivity, ECEC
